Wednesday, September 30, 2009


v Secret of life… Darling... have you ever been to a picnic... and someone blows up a balloon?... And everyone starts tossing it around... and it’s always just about to touch the ground… But someone always gets there just in time... to tap it back up… That balloon... that’s God… The very best in all of us.

v Hate AIDS, not life… How?... Just think of AIDS like... the guest that won’t leave… The one we all hate… But you have to remember... What?... It’s still our party.

Les chansons d'amour aka Love Songs

v Love me less... but love me a long time.

Adam & Steve

v Happiness is accepting life on life's terms, no matter what they happen to be. You just do your best with what you've been given.

v I now pronounce you husband and husband... You may kiss your beloved.

I Think I Do

v As they say, if you can't fall in love with your best friend, who can you fall in love with?


Jesse, the John: Can you describe your last orgasm?

Severin: It was great. It was like time had stopped and I was completely alone.

Jesse, the John: Were you sad afterwards?

Severin: Yeah.

Jesse, the John: Why?

Severin: 'Cause time hadn't stopped and I wasn't alone.

Velvet Goldmine

v What is true about music is true about life: that beauty reveals everything because it expresses nothing.

Brokeback Mountain

I wish I knew how to quit you.

Love! Valour! Compassion!

v I am sick of straight people. Tell the truth, aren't you? There's just too goddamn many of them. I was in a bank the other day; they were everywhere - writing checks, making deposits. Two of them were applying for a mortgage. It's disgusting! They're taking over. No one wants to talk about it, but it's true.

Broken Hearts Club, The - A Romantic Comedy

v I can't decide if my friends are the best or worst thing to happen to me. Clearly, without them,my life would be a lot less fun... but with them... I don't know if I'll ever be able to have a life of my own.

v Everyone can't be straight. Everyone can't be beautiful. Everyone can't be the same, Patrick. Some people are just gay and average. We're the strongest I think.

v A lot of people ask me when I first knew I was gay. Fact is, I don't know. But what I do remember, what I can recall, is when I first realized it was Okay: It was when I met these guys. My friends.