Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thank you Lord...

Thank you Lord for this new day,
So much like yesterday and yet so very special.
Something wonderful can happen today:
I can find a new friend,
I can reach out and help someone,
I can fill the hours
With prayer and productive work and
Have a feeling of contentment and satisfaction.
I am looking forward to today
For I know that you will be with me,
Leading Me, Guiding Me, Blessing Me
As You accomplish Your Will through me.
Thank you Lord for breathing purpose into my day and
Making me aware of its importance.
Let this day bring glory to You.

Thank you God for giving me another day, another chance to become a better individual, another chance to give and experience love. Thank you God for giving me health, for the food you provide, for the awareness you have awaken in me...Thank you for the energy that feeds my soul, the sun that warms our bodies and the air that fills our lungs... Because of you I believe in the good without the bad and the ugly, because of you I am learning to love and accept myself, because of you I believe in believing. My saource, stay connected to me today and always, for I need you in order to fullfil my spiritual tasks...God, show me how to love myself, to be able to love others. Help me become the type of person that I would like to befriend, help me forgive myself and forgive others... God, make me a channel of your energy and help me understand. I thank you God for giving me another day, another unused opportunity to do it right. Keep us all close to you and listen to our prayers.

Bless this day and bless all of my family and friends!

The Bucket List

Carter Chambers: [to Edward, of the two questions asked of the dead by the gods at the entrance to heaven] Have you found joy in your life? Has your life brought joy to others?

Carter Chambers: You measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you.

Edward Cole: We live, we die, and the wheels on the bus go round and round.

Now Is Good

Our life is a series of moments. Let them all go. Moments. All gathering towards this one.

Moments. This is one. This right here, right now, is definitely a moment.