Wednesday, February 24, 2010

a dAY tO rEMEMBER...

It was not like that he was the most intelligent guy I have ever meet.
It was not like that he was the most "well spoken" guy I have ever meet.
It was not like that he was the most handsome guy I have ever meet.
He was ordinary boy-next-door but still there was something about him which made me to spend more and more time with him. I don't know exactly but there was something about him which was unique, which put me on ease wit him.He was different.

We meet for this first time in a garden. Don't start making any wild guesses. We didn't meet on DATE. It was just a casual friendly meeting. We walked in the garden and he was holding my hand. I must say that holding hand immediately made me to get attached with him. Human touch always do miracles. ;) We had a long discussion about (No Guesses!!!) Gay Relationship/ Marriages/ Coming-out-to-parents etc. It was quite interesting to discuss these with him. We took a lot of pictures and he looked good in his all pictures.He has photogenic looks. I liked him and wanted to spend some more time with him.

I meet him again on Valentine Day. Well, it was a shame that I was with such a nice guy but I was not in love with him. We were not couple so instead of spending romantic time together, we spent day talking, talking and more talking. Tea was hot so was our discussion. We both were not agreeing with each-other on most of the topic. However, he has this amazing ability to convince so at last I was convinced that my "Coming-Out-to-Parents" may be a good decision but not the best one. I became very emotional and my heart choked with pain. I lay-down in bed, resting my head in his lap. He tried to comfort me but it didn't work. I knew that only one thing can comfort me. I needed a tight hug and soothing words - "Everything will be OK Manish". I missed "D" that moment. He could have done that without even asking. He knows me so very well.
I was afraid to ask my new friend to hug me. I didn't want him to get wrong idea that I was trying to seduce him for sex. I can get many extremely gorgeous guys for sex easily but I can't get such a great guy as a friend, who became so close in just two meetings.

It was time to bid him farewell. Time was Mid-Night and I was emotionally shattered. I went and then came back. I strongly needed someone with me. He tried to cheer me up. It worked a bit but still I had to put myself together. We went to bed. I stretched my hands and tried to hold him. That touch was helping me. The feeling of someone laying next to me was making me comfortable, still I was miles away from sleep. I spent the whole night counting every second and thinking worst things.
Early morning, he opened his beautiful eyes, looked at me and told - "Good Morning". He was looking gorgeous. That time, I knew why people say that a guy looks his best in the morning. ;)
He insisted me to stay a bit longer. I wanted that bit to be as long as a Day or a Month or a year but I had to go.

Before going, I needed to do one last thing. We took out last pic - Together...