Saturday, May 31, 2008

Someone, somewhere is made for each of us

In the Gay world, either guys are not ready to be in a true relationship or they rush into a relationship and then after a very short time are parted.
Well, most of the time, gay-relationship can not be a long-term because guys do not know what is necessary for a successful and long-lasting relationship.
We can not say that there are some "Rules: Pyar Ka Superhit Formula". But we should consider a few facts before getting into a relationship.

Most important thing is to know about ourselves on such matter. Means, one should know that why, how and when he wants a relationship. What he wants in his partner? Is he really serious about relationship and if YES then is he ready for that?

What do you feel about him? How important is he to you?And the other way around, how does he feel about you and how important are you to him?

Unless you are always open and honest to each-other and communicate with each-other without any hesitation/fear/shame, then your relationship is doomed from the start.

Relationship is not only about romantic nights and lovely days. Two people can not naturally live together without disagreements and day-to-day little problems. So it's essential that both people care enough about each-other that they are willing to make compromises.

Even though it is not necessary, it is really helpful in a relationship if two guys are compatible to each-others in terms of family back-ground, financial status, looks etc - which is the main point in an arranged marriage.

If two guys share a common set of beliefs, values and goals then it makes relationship's challenges much easier for them. They can understand each other in a better way.
And last but not the least your own belief in the importance of a RELATIONSHIP itself.