Saturday, May 31, 2008


Love, an emotion so strong that you would give up everything. To just feel it once, to know that you are part of something special... to know that you can feel what love really is. Love doesn't just fill your heart, it overflows into your whole body and soul. Love is greatest strength and everybody in search of that love, A TRUE LOVE, which starts from hearts, not from eyes…A love that does not demand any physical or emotional thing from other. After all, If love has demands/conditions, it is not love because the moment another step outside set of conditions and perceptions, love evaporates.

My idea of relationship is a committed, live-in-relationship which can last for whole life.. A beautiful dream with my other half, who cares about me... A family with my best friend, who makes me his first thought and first action of every day and last thought and last action of everyday... A home with my love of life, who understand me completely and support me fully through all the ups and downs of life.

Are you waiting for any special dream lover?
Well, you should not because it happens only in movies. Do not live in Dreams. Be practical.

Its very difficult to tell that what type of guy is ideal for relationship?
But definitely an ideal lover would be just a normal guy-next-door, who is willing and serious about life long commitment... An emotionally mature, caring, understanding, possessive, committed, loving and open hearted guy, who can appreciate the fact that there is more to a person than his outer looks alone… A guy, who knows the true meaning of commitment and have enough ability to make a decision and stand by it. After all there is no future in any relationship, the relation lies in the man who holds the relation. Falling in love with someone is easy, but developing and being in a committed relationship is very tuff.
I believe that every individual has some special quality in him. That’s why every guy is a special guy. If you really believe in love then stats, looks, location do not matter. Most important thing is that one must have love, care and sentimental for his partner. One should be ready to take efforts for a relationship where both can grow together with love and affection for each other.
He should be comfortable with his sexuality and feel that being Gay is not just M2M sex. Yes SEX is necessary but its not just physical contact, it’s the most wonderful way of sharing deeper emotions of two person. We love so many people in our life – parents, siblings, close friends, partner... But physical love makes a lover’s love most important.
I do not believe in famous terms of gay world – Top/Bottom. I think that if someone is in love then he can do anything and top or bottom things really do not matter.

I have learnt that if you have thousands reasons to settle down with a guy, there will be thousand plus hurdles to it. But if you believe in LOVE, then you can never stop dreaming and trying to have your LOVE of LIFE. Believe in yourself and your feelings…
Be happy and spread Love in every heart!