Sunday, November 15, 2009

Love and Other Disasters

v That's just it. I don't know that Paolo's the love of my life, but I've decided to give him the chance to be. Maybe true love is a decision. You know, a decision to take a chance with somebody. To give to somebody. Without worrying wether they'll give anything back. Or if they're gonna hurt you, or if they really are the one. Maybe love isn't something that happens to you. Maybe it's something you have to choose.

v The stages of a relationship can be defined by farting. Stage one is the conspiracy of silence. This is a fantasy period where both parties pretend that they have no bodily waste. This illusion is very quickly shattered by that first shy, "Ooh, did you fart," followed by the sheepish admission of truth. This heralds a period of deeper intimacy. A period I like to call the "Fart Honeymoon", where both parties find each other's gas just the cutest thing in the world. But, of course, no honeymoon can last forever. And so we reach the critical fork in the fart. Either the fart loses its power to amuse and embarrass thereby signifying true love, or else it begins to annoy and disgust, thereby symbolizing all that is blocked and rancid in the formerly beloved. Do you see what I'm getting at?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


v Secret of life… Darling... have you ever been to a picnic... and someone blows up a balloon?... And everyone starts tossing it around... and it’s always just about to touch the ground… But someone always gets there just in time... to tap it back up… That balloon... that’s God… The very best in all of us.

v Hate AIDS, not life… How?... Just think of AIDS like... the guest that won’t leave… The one we all hate… But you have to remember... What?... It’s still our party.

Les chansons d'amour aka Love Songs

v Love me less... but love me a long time.

Adam & Steve

v Happiness is accepting life on life's terms, no matter what they happen to be. You just do your best with what you've been given.

v I now pronounce you husband and husband... You may kiss your beloved.

I Think I Do

v As they say, if you can't fall in love with your best friend, who can you fall in love with?


Jesse, the John: Can you describe your last orgasm?

Severin: It was great. It was like time had stopped and I was completely alone.

Jesse, the John: Were you sad afterwards?

Severin: Yeah.

Jesse, the John: Why?

Severin: 'Cause time hadn't stopped and I wasn't alone.

Velvet Goldmine

v What is true about music is true about life: that beauty reveals everything because it expresses nothing.

Brokeback Mountain

I wish I knew how to quit you.

Love! Valour! Compassion!

v I am sick of straight people. Tell the truth, aren't you? There's just too goddamn many of them. I was in a bank the other day; they were everywhere - writing checks, making deposits. Two of them were applying for a mortgage. It's disgusting! They're taking over. No one wants to talk about it, but it's true.

Broken Hearts Club, The - A Romantic Comedy

v I can't decide if my friends are the best or worst thing to happen to me. Clearly, without them,my life would be a lot less fun... but with them... I don't know if I'll ever be able to have a life of my own.

v Everyone can't be straight. Everyone can't be beautiful. Everyone can't be the same, Patrick. Some people are just gay and average. We're the strongest I think.

v A lot of people ask me when I first knew I was gay. Fact is, I don't know. But what I do remember, what I can recall, is when I first realized it was Okay: It was when I met these guys. My friends.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Yaadein - "Im4U"

Finally, he was in front of me. He was a sweet little boy exactly how I imagined him. He was not sexy. He was very simple yet adorable. He was the kind of guy with whom I would like to spend time. He was looking innocent like an angel and lovely like a red rose. Did he know that red color suited him? He took my heavy bag and we started walking. We were talking but I was missing that instant bonding. Well, it happened very soon, when we reached his house. He was surprised, 'It doesn't seem to me that we are meeting for the first time. I am so comfortable with you'. I was not surprised. I knew that our two years of internet friendship is the reason behind this. It should be. Is he a good host? I got the answer very soon when he offered me tea. Lovely tea and Interesting gossip. I was enjoying. He told me about himself. I was surprised. He was just like me - the way he thinks, cares for others, interacts with family and friends, things which he wants from life, type of guy he is looking for, his dreams etc. It was like he was talking about me.
We kept talking. Slowly a third person virtually came alive - his ex-boyfriend. A love-story started. No, it was not between me and him. It was his love-story with his ex-boyfriend.

They met each-other at a very sacred place. They both were in pain and needed to hear from someone - 'I care about you'. Well, no surprises that they both told same to each other -' I am for you (Im4U)'.

It was the beginning of a relationship, long phone calls, meeting each-others' parents, getting good wishes from friends, dreamy days and 'Neend na aaye' kinda nights. Everyone thought that here is the ideal couple whose bond of love and trust will never see the dark nights. I wished the same for them. However, a relationship needs a little more - understanding, compromises and sacrificial. Small lovely fights started making them scared and suffocated in relationship. Their love was stronger and they kept all promises except one - 'Whatever comes our way, we will always be there with each-other holding hands'. One day his boyfriend left his hand. He tried to reach for that hand again to hold it tightly but that hand was holding a STOP signboard. His boyfriend left him without saying anything. He went mad. Things started changing. His close friends were not so close now. His room-partner got another nest. At least one good change has happened. I met him and there he was sharing his story with me. I was listening and trying to analyze everything for him. Ah, I was a fool. Life is not so simple that I can analyze it and help him. I did what a good friend can do, advised him to move on with his life. Keep the past as the past and look forward to the future. He laughed. I smiled. We both knew that it's not as simple as it sounds. I could sense pain in his voice. I could see moisture in his eyes.     I felt that he is a small child, lost in a big city and searching for his way back home. He was scared and wanted to hear same soothing voice again - 'Im4U'. That moment, I wanted to hug him and kiss. I wanted to whisper that I was going to hold his hand to take him back home. I wanted to make him happy. Suddenly someone told me  - 'Fool! Delhi is 2000KM away from Bangalore. You have to leave Delhi tomorrow morning'. I felt uneasy. I searched for him in the bed. We hugged each-other. His lips were making my lips wet and dry. He was unbuttoning his shirt and my hands were exploring his body. Suddenly I started feeling afraid, I wanted to stop my hands touching his body.
Is this what I wanted to do?
No, I don't want to do this. I prayed to help me to stop it.

I got out of bed. He followed me. 'Lets go to sleep', we both understood each-other. I had a good sleep.

Next morning was indeed a good morning. He played the audio CD which I had gifted him last night. I was happy that he liked my gift.

'Stop thinking and get ready. You have to go to railway station. You are leaving Delhi today', I reminded myself.

He was not looking happy but he was not sad. I didn't understand him that moment. I was puzzled. I asked him but he didn't reply. Finally, I decided to leave it as it is, rather than finding the reason. I took my luggage and went outside. He hugged me. It was not a warm hug, rather a cold one, cold like a dead fish. All I managed to say - "Take Care"

Yaadein - "Happy and Sad"

I was meeting him after many years. He came to the bus-stand and parked his bike in front of me. He was just like old times. A tough looking guy with a sensitive heart. We shook hands and I realized immediately that everything was not the same. With time, our closeness had also changed. We were more like strangers to each-other rather than two close friends meeting after a long time. I felt bad about it. After all he was my best mate during college. Maybe people would think that I was in love with him but I was not. I was in love with his friend. lol

We went to his house. His mom made a lovely tea for us. He took me out to dinner. We were happy to be with each-other but there was a silence. That silence was killing me. I felt suffocated. I wanted to tell him everything which I wanted to tell him for so many years. He said, 'You can tell me everything' but I was silent. I didn't even ask about his life. After few minutes, he told me everything. He was in love with a colleague. He always looked at her. He talked to her but never told three simple words - 'I love you'. Finally, he got an invitation from her - her wedding invitation card.

He told me that now he understands this world and it's tricks. He was seeing a friend in me but it was not the same for me. I wanted to be a kid who can hold his hand to cross a busy road. He leaned toward me and said to cross the road alone. He reminded me that I am not a kid any more. That time, I realized how can one feel happy and sad at the same time. Strange - Happy & Sad...

I asked him, 'Why didn't you tell her about your feeling'. Today I am asking same question to myself, 'why didn't I tell him that whatever happens, he will always be my Big B?'. 

Yaadein - "Ek Love-Story"

"Oh My God!!! he is so tall", that's what I thought when I saw him for the first time in front of the cafe. We went to Akshardham Temple in the evening. It was beautiful, it was grand, the musical fountain took me to another world. I felt like I was doing meditation. While coming back, I promised to myself that I would come here again with my HEARTSWEET (as John says it). We had an adventurous trip back to his house.

At night he told me his story, one of the best real romantic story I have ever heard. It was like watching a Hollywood gay movie where LOVE starts between two teenage neighbours after a fight. One guy bullies another, later feels guilty about it and then comes back to say sorry. Sorry with a Kiss. They both kiss each-other. That first kiss was the starting of their endless secret meetings and countless kisses. They never said 'I love you' to each other but they were always there for each-other until one day one guy moved to another city. That was the end of SIX years of relationship.

When he was telling me this story, there was no pain in his eyes. There was no bitterness for another guy. I said to myself, 'That's what is called real love'. One has to let go of love sometimes to keep it alive. He did the same and he was happy with the happy memories.

I spent 2 crazy days with him. We laughed like mad. We kept gossiping till late at night. When I was with him, I felt alive. I enjoyed each and every minute of those 2 days.

He was strange but that's what I liked about him...

I salute you Mr Cleanliness freak!!!